New York Herald Triple Sheet  September 26 1863- Really fine paper with Extremely detailed reporting on the 2 days fighting at CHICKAMAUGA  and An Incredibly cool MAP- THE STATE OF TEXAS...Showing the boundary line with Mexico in which our forcesare operating-just an outstanding piece of work, Chattanooga,  CHICKAMAUGA- The Battles of Saturday and Sunday- Position of our troops, opening of the Battle,  General Thomas, Finals of Saturday's fight,  The Battle Sunday,  Crisis of the Day, The  Retreat,  The Pursuit of the Enemy,  The Cause of our Defeat...Sketch of Rosecrans,  Evacuation of Little Rock, 
As usual with the Herald,excellent editorials, much more,    as with all of my Newspapers, please look at the photos and ask questions,very
good condition, normal wear,  print smear on front , toning pg 3