The Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated, was created for protection against EMF (electromagnetic fields). It has also proven effective against geopathic stress and Hartmann grid issues. This Energy Harmonizer may help clear negative energy from the home and office. For this reason, we have included this Light-Life Tool in one of Light-Life's EMF Protection kits. EMF can potentially cause premature aging. Whereas this Harmonizer may neutralize those harmful frequency as they come near you providing protection against EMF. Therefore, the Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated, may help improve overall health and well-being.

We have had customers tell us they discovered their home sits over a Hartmann grid. This led to difficulties sleeping and some other physical issues. They placed a silver plated Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer underneath their bed. Afterwards, they reported back to us that they’re sleeping better and much of their physical issues have gone away.

The Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer, silver plated, measures approximately 2″ by 2″. It weighs about 3.6 ounces. This Energy Harmonizer is a combination of a Light-Life Tensor Ring and an Acu-Vac Coil. This forms a 3-dimensional sphere creating a unique continuous flow of energy. This flow increases the frequency of any nearby energy.

The Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer’s base is copper. Nine coatings of silver and 24K gold follow. The layers start with silver and end with silver. The Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer has a doughnut-shaped light field that goes out for many feet. The light field is called a toroidal. When activated with the included Environmental Clearing CD, the light field is greatly expanded.

The Environmental Clearing CD is the frequency of water molecules in a cloud. This sound expands the energy field of Light-Life’s Energy Harmonizers. Additionally, reports have said this frequency also helps decrease toxins in the environment. Simply place your Energy Harmonizer in front of a speaker as the Environmental Clearing CD is playing. Likewise, some people even put headphones or earbuds around the Harmonizer.

This Energy Harmonizer comes with a Sacred ½ Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring. Place the Harmonizer in the Tensor Ring overnight, on occasion, in order to clear the energy.