Hello there.

Are you the kind of person who likes sticking around?
Do you have a desperate desire to face your pressing problems?
Does the idea of reading puns about shapes fill you with an amazing sense of wonder?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you have arrived at the right place.

In this listing, you are being offered the opportunity to acquire some white vinyl reinforcement rings.  What you do with these objects is entirely up to you.  You could perhaps attach them to your body, heroically burst into the nearest bank and shout "This is a stick-up," or you could more sensibly use these rings to tidy your documents.

Each ring has an exterior diameter of approx 13mm.  They are made from self-adhesive vinyl and are much stronger than the shameful cheapo paper rings touted by some incorrigible vagabonds.  Your deluxe white rings will be sent in a resealable plastic pouch, which makes them easier to carry around than a hangover.

Rumour has it (and I'm sticking to that story) that these reinforcers were endorsed by an aristocratic polo enthusiast (the mint, not the sport), named Baron Ringhole II. (The first Baron Ringhole perished in a shocking incident involving a giant cucumber, some organic macadamia oil and an unwilling cow)

Once you've decided how many of these astounding circular objects you require, placing your order is simpler than walking into a lamp post:

From the menu, choose your desired number of rings.
Leave the 'quantity' box on 1, unless you want multiple sets.

Optional:  Make a delicious drink and spend a moment serenading your nostrils.

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us any time.  We will post your order on the day of your purchase, using packaging that will easily fit through your letterbox.

Enjoy playing with your rings, and try to contain your excitement.

Thank you.