Fresh 2023 100% Natural Raw, Unprocessed Bee PROPOLIS 

Available: 25,50g, 100g, 150g, 200g

Please choose weight from the drop-down menu

Organically Pure

 Premium Quality

Suitable to make Tincture or Extract

Propolis is nature’s antiseptic goodness. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties.

Propolis contains protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids.

 The Benefits of Propolis:

Treatment for cold sores, genital herpes and other viruses
 Relief for sore throats or inflamed tonsils
Immune system strengthener (propolis attacks harmful bacteria, but not healthy)
Treatment for burns and cuts
  A remedy for urinary infections
  A remedy for dental plaque
 Treatment for dermatitis and acne
 Preventative treatment to ward off oncoming colds
  Treatment for ulcers
  Relief for arthritis and other joint pain


Please Note: Raw Propolis is propolis that is scrapped directly from the beehives by beekeepers.

 Our propolis has not been filtered or cleaned in any way. It may contain other beehive materials.