Samix SCX10-3 313mm High Clearance Titianium Link KitArtikelnummer: SAMSCX3-5025FLS

Samix SCX10-3 313mm High Clearance Titianium Link Kit

Samix SCX10-3 313mm High Clearance Titianium Link Kit

Samix SCX10-3 313mm High Clearance Titianium Link Kit

Artikelnummer: SAMSCX3-5025FLS



Samix SCX10-3 313mm High Clearance Titianium Link Kit

  • Hersteller: Samix
  • HerstellerNr.: SCX3-5025FLS

Englische Beschreibung:

The Samix SCX10 III 313mm High Clearance Titanium Link Kit is an all inclusive link upgrade kit that features machined in M4 threaded shafts that are compatible with the stock Axial rod ends. More importantly, these links feature a high clearance bend design that helps to increase ground clearance. The link position is marked on each rod that helps to make installation easy. Plus, when compared to aluminum links the titanium material is more durable and slides better over rocks. Package includes all the links needed to upgrade one truck.

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