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Georgian Heavy horse belfy/set of team bells
Mounted into an oak frame
Original leather hood
 4 Bronze bells
Each bell is embossed with makers trademark-

By famous bell maker 

For bells with initials of the bell maker ‘RW’ stamped on the inside of the bell itself – this dates that particular bell between 1755 and 1825

Robert Wells, the bell maker, was born in 1725 and he founded Wells foundry in 1755. His father William, a farmer, had already purchased Smith’s Forge in 1720 from John Looker who had been casting small bells. While William continued to buy land and property and continued farming, his son Robert began to found bells; the main foundry was at Bell Court, another was at Court House and other sites were used as well. By 1781 Robert had retired, leaving his sons Robert and later James to run the business until 1825, when unfortunately the business went bankrupt; it was later sold to Thomas Mears of the Whitechapel foundry.

Size of the oak frame is 60cm x 27cm x 11cm