Yanmar 3TNE72K oil pan removed from a TK 3.95 pulled from a RDII-TCI unit.

Typical paint loss and mild corrosion thats mostly been cleaned off. Bolt holes in the rear of the pan where the rear plate and seal housing bolt into it are in good condition. Nothing was seized during removal.

The oil level sensor was not used on the unit this engine was pulled from. It has the plug off cap in it. I'd highly recommend replacing the gasket or installing a new oil level sensor if your TK unit has a sensor. There was significant fresh oil build up around the gasket prior to washing the parts.

Bolts were salvaged as well. 4 of the cover to sump Bolts went missing during the tear down. I dug through my used Yanmar and Kubota bolt bucket and found 4 to take their place. I'm about 99.9% sure you'll have all the bolts to get the sump to your block and the cover to the sump.

This certainly won't be a high demand part, but I'm sure someone somewhere will eventually have one that's been damaged and will need it.

I priced these parts with a local Thermo King dealer a few years ago at several hundred dollars per piece.

Free shipping in Canada and to the United States.

Any questions just send a message.