Gotu Kola Powder 500/600mg Capsules:

The Gotu kola plant (Centella asiatica) is a perennial herbal plant which has been used for centuries in both traditional Indian and Chinese Ayurveda. It is also referred to as Indian pennywort, water pennywort, marsh pennywort and Brahmi. However, under the name brahmi, it should not be confused with Bacopa monnieri. The most ideal environment for growth of the plant is in damp, swampy regions where there is plenty of flowing water. The marshy areas include river banks and ditches as well.  The low-growing creeping plant thrives in hot yet moist climates, hence the reason why it is native to the tropical and subtropical countries in South and Southeast Asia. The countries include China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal and Vietnam. In present times, it is also quite popular in South Africa, Madagascar, Central and South America.

From the historical references, the gotu kola plant has been in use for more than 2,000 years. The most popular narrative on use of gotu kola in ancient times is by a popular Chinese healer referred to as LiChing Yun. It is believed that the traditional healer used the herbal plant every so often and it increased his life span as he was able to live to the age of 256 years. He took tea that contained gotu kola, among other herbs. In Sri Lanka, it became quite popular after the natives decided to try it out once they saw the benefits it had on elephants. The elephants took the leaves of the plant and were able to live longer and sustain a vivid memory. 

The plant parts that are mostly put to use are the leaves; however, the rest of the aerial plant parts are usable as well. The flowers of the plant are edible. The leaves are best harvested when they are fresh; however, being a perennial plant, they can be harvested throughout the year. The plant reaches optimal growth during summer. Traditionally, the whole plant was collected during the flowering period and dried after which it would be used for various medical reasons. Once the aerial parts have been properly dried, they can be ground and used to come up with different products: powder, capsules, teas, ointments, tinctures and cosmetic products. 

Gotu kola capsules contain various chemical constituents which contribute different to the array of applications of the herbal plant. Some of these include alkaloids, antioxidants, tannins, resins, sterols, flavonoids, mucilage, glycosides, and triterpenoids, triterpene saponins, among others. The plant is also rich in vital minerals that the body needs for various processes. These include magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, copper, calcium, iron, zinc and sodium.

How to use:  We suggest taking 2 - 3 capsules daily with water.