The Bill Hodges Trilogy Stephen King 3 Books Collection Set Mr Mercedes, Finders
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The Bill Hodges Trilogy Stephen King 3 Books Collection Set Mr Mercedes, Finders

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Title The Bill Hodges Trilogy Stephen King 3 Books Collection Set Mr Mercedes, Finders
Author Stephen King
Publisher Hodder Paperbacks
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781444749007
Dimensions 21.39 x 14.88 x 1.88 cm

Titles in this Set:
Mr Mercedes
Finders Keepers
End of Watch

Mr Mercedes
Described as 'the best thriller of the year' Sunday Express, the No. 1 bestseller introduces retired cop Bill Hodges in a race against time to apprehend a killer A cat-and-mouse suspense thriller featuring Bill Hodges, a retired cop who is tormented by 'the Mercedes massacre', a case he never solved. Brady Hartsfield, perpetrator of that notorious crime, has sent Hodges a taunting letter. Now he's preparing to kill again Each starts to close in on the other in a mega-stakes race against time.

Finders Keepers
A riveting crime thriller about a reader whose obsession with a reclusive writer goes too far, featuring the same trio of unlikely and winning heroes King introduced in MR MERCEDES. 1978: Morris Bellamy is a reader so obsessed by America's iconic author John Rothstein that he is prepared to kill for a trove of notebooks containing at least one more unpublished novel. 2009: Pete Saubers, a boy whose father was brutally injured by a stolen Mercedes, discovers a buried trunk containing cash and Rothstein's notebooks. 2014: After thirty-five years in prison, Morris is up for parole. And he's hell-bent on recovering his treasure. Now it's up to retired detective Bill Hodges - running an investigative company called 'Finders Keepers' - to rescue Pete from an ever-more deranged and vengeful Morris... Not since Misery has King written with such visceral power about a reader with such a dangerous obsession. Finders Keepers is spectacular suspense, and it is King writing about how literature shapes a life for good, for bad, for ever.

End of Watch
The cell rings twice, and then his old partner in his ear . . . 'I'm at the scene of what appears to be a murder-suicide . . . Come and take a look. Bring your sidekick with you.' Bill Hodges, who now runs a two-person agency called Finders Keepers with partner Holly Gibney, is intrigued by the letter Z written with a marker at the scene of the crime. As similar cases mount up, Hodges is stunned to discover the evidence points to Brady Hartsfield, the notorious 'Mercedes Killer' who they helped to convict. It should be impossible: Brady is confined to a hospital room in a seemingly unresponsive state. But Brady Hartsfield has lethal new powers. And he's planning revenge not just on Hodges and his friends, but on an entire city. The clock is ticking in unexpected ways... BRADY IS BACK. AND SO IS HODGES. The extract above is abridged from End of Watch.

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