Original Jiffy 7 Peat Pellets

Original Jiffy Pellets – your proven helpers in growing plants

The Jiffy-7® pellet: fine netting is filled with high-quality substrate and then compressed to form a handy pellet. Just add water, and the little planting wonder grows to up to seven times its size in a few moments. It is held together by fine netting, ensur­ing optimum air/water exchange.

These Jiffy Peat & Coir Pellets are a best seller amongst professional and hydroponic growers due to how much less bulky Jiffy-7 pellets are than traditional potting soils. These pellets are made from sphagnum peat moss. All pellets in the Jiffy-7 range are compressed for easy storage and transport. You only need to soak them in lukewarm water for them to expand to the size that you ordered.

 Rigorous testing shows peat pellet offer the best germination rates possible for seedlings, cuttings and other small plants.

This range of Jiffy pellets are manufactured from peat, carefully harvested from bogs. They are subject to stringent controls to ensure minimal environmental impact.

Instructions For Use

  1. Put the pellets in a planting tray, pot or seed tray of appropriate size.
  2. Soak the pellets with lukewarm water and pour off any excess water.
  3. Sow seeds or plant cuttings, and position the trays in a bright place.
  4. Take care to avoid frost, and gradually expose the sprouts to the sun.
  5. Never over-water them, or let them dry out.
  6. When watering them, make sure to water thoroughly.
  7. To protect the sensitive roots make sure to completely cover the Jiffy-7 pellet in the flower bed, or pot that you are using when planting them