Is dedicated to 420 anniversary of the birth of prominent personalities in the history of Ukraine, politics, military leader, diplomat, the founder of Ukrainian Cossack state and its Hetman (1648 - 1657) - Bohdan (Zinovy) Khmelnitsky. Bogdan Khmelnitsky - man of extraordinary talent, high level organizational abilities. He was a personality that attracted the attention of not only his contemporaries - allies and opponents, members of royal dynasties, diplomatic and government circles in Europe, but also descendants - politicians, scientists, artists and others.

In the center of the obverse on the concave glass background framed by stylized laurel wreath shows a seal of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and placed: above inscription UKRAINE, beneath semicircular face value - ten hryvnia to the left - the small State Emblem of Ukraine, during which the issue year - 2015, right - designation of metal, its fineness, weight in fineness Ag 999 / 31,1 and the Mint logo of the National bank of Ukraine.

The reverse against the dark background recreated concave surface of the coin: on the left - a portrait of Bohdan Khmelnytsky of artist Willem Hondius (1651), right - center piece of Hetman flag with his initials and the title abbreviation Hetman, beneath semicircular napyc Bogdan Khmelnitsky.