Hello there!

Here I am selling a set of 26 Yu-Gi-Oh cards from the classic set, "Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon".

All the cards are unique, with no duplicates. Included are 24 commons and 2 rares. Here is the complete list of common cards included:

-Hitotsu-Me Giant (LOB-EN002)
-Skull Servant (LOB-EN004)
-Monster Egg (LOB-EN017)
-Dark King of the Abyss (LOB-EN020)
-Fiend Reflection #2 (LOB-EN021)
-Petit Dragon (LOB-EN024)
-Root Water (LOB-EN032)
-Green Phantom King (LOB-EN034)
-King Fog (LOB-EN036)
-Mystical Sheep #2 (LOB-EN037)
-Legendary Sword (LOB-EN040)
-Forest (LOB-EN046)
-Sparks (LOB-EN055)
-Remove Trap (LOB-EN060)
-Tyhone (LOB-EN063)
-Man Eater (LOB-EN075)
-M-Warrior #2 (LOB-EN077)
-Kumootoko (LOB-EN082)
-Enchanting Mermaid (LOB-EN084)
-Spike Seadra (LOB-103)
-Misairuzame (LOB-111)
-Steel Ogre Grotto #1 (LOB-112)
-Darkworld Thorns (LOB-114)
-Drooling Lizard (LOB-EN115)

The commons are all in pretty good shape - here and there are some minor creases and bends, and most have been used lightly, but there are no major damages to any of the cards.

The other two cards in the set are the rare cards, "Charubin the Fire Knight" (LOB-015) and "Reaper of the Cards" (LOB-071).

The two cards are a little more damaged than the rest - both cards have visually noticeable creases across their artwork, with Reaper of the Cards having roughly 3 large creases, vs. Charubin's one. Both cards and their damages are pictured above.

Please, if you have any questions, let me know, and i'll be happy to answer! :)