Pink Lotus Natural Care is aware of the special concerns that people with skin disorders deal with everyday. I had stage 3 cystic acne for 20 years. I have psoriatic arthritis now. One of my own kids has eczema, and my ex-husband (now a dear friend) has dermatitis. I was personally motivated to develop this salve. Like all our other products it has been tested on friends and family, and now can help you too !

Our 2 oz. bottle (travel sized compliant) is made from olive oil, coconut oil, Tea Tree oil, Lavender, and another plant extract; this salve works. Take about a dime to a quarter sized dollop and apply it--rubbing it in well-- to the lesion 2x/day for a week. The lesion will be gone. It works by eliminating the dry upper layers of the skin lesion and then healing the lesion from the bottom up.

It smells great, isn't greasy, and it works...shake well every time right before use. This bottle should last 2-3 weeks with daily use to handle multiple lesions.