Vintage Pulp STAG March 1967 magazine Norem Pollen Kunstler Minney strippers sex

Selling my collection of original vintage Men's Adventure Magazines. I collect original illustrations so I bought these great mags to obtain the terrific artistic contributions by great artists such as Kunstler, Norem, Cohen, Pollen, etc., to go with my original paintings. Most of these magazines feature all of these artists, but occasionally a certain artist is not featured. I have spent some time scanning some of the illustrations and articles so that you can see the general contents, as well as the Contents Page, which shows all of the articles, date, publications info and so forth.

 Check out the detailed photos for the great features and please ask questions prior to bidding if you have concerns on anything .  

 Additional info: Please feel free to ask questions and do not bid if you are unsure. No haggling over shipping costs or special requests such as partial shipping refunds etc.. after bidding has ended please !

Shipping: NOTE!!  I ship within (5) Five BUSINESS days maximum, but usually within a day or two.  I estimate the flat rate amount, so it's not actual cost.  On the Global Shipping Program overseas sales, eBay handles all invoicing. Paypal only. Note: eBay will send an automatic notice on non-paying bidders.