With black and bleached hair, scarves, mascara and a full on teenage rock n' roll rage Nasty Idols started up 1987 by vocalist Andy Pierce and bassist Dick Qwarfort. They played their first gig at a local festival. Inspiration came from early Mötley Crüe, Kiss, Sweet and Alice Cooper.The videos for Cool Way Of Living, Can´t Get Ya´Off My Mind and Trashed N Dirty all made their way to MTV´s Headbangers Ball and the album was released in both Germany and Japan.When the Seattle Grunge era stormed the earth by 94, life were not easy for any good old rock n´roll band.By 2002 American label Perris Records re-released all the Nasty Idols albums including a "Best Of" and the 1995 Heroes For Sale album. After a succesfull re-union gig at the Sweden Rock Festival 2006 the band followed up with "The Rejects On The Road" Tour. Throughout 2006 they played in Sweden and in 2007 they were still playing gigs and toured in Italy and U.K In 2008 they released a 12 -track album "Boys Town"  in March 2009 on Metal Heaven.


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