Amulet of the Hero:

+1 to Strength (thus, depending on prior Strength score, adding either 0/+1 To Hit in melee and either 0/+1 Damage with melee and thrown weapons), +1 to Dexterity (thus, depending on prior Dexterity score, either 0/+1 To Hit with ranged attacks, either 0/+1 to AC, and either 0/+1 to Reflex saving throws), and +1 to Constitution (thus, depending on prior Constitution score, either 0/+1 to Fortitude saving throws and either 0/+1 to max HP per character level)

Usable By: all, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Dwarf Fighter, Elf Wizard, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard

Slot: Neck

Rarity: Rare

Year: 2016

This token was distributed for volunteering and is more rare than a typical rare token