Your own comprehensive Vedic Astrological Horoscope Report plus Predictions Report plus Gemstone remedy recommendations as PDF (approx. total of 50 to 60 pages multiple PDFs sent by email) using astronomical science for your past present and future, based on the position of stars and planets, specific to date time place of your birth.
Lifetime Validity

Glossary and FAQ included in the product for difficult words.
Most of the customers purchase this for their own children or grandchildren.
Please kindly read and understand all of the following before making purchase.

Please note: Delivery ONLY by email, No Post, No Click and Collect 

What you need to do when you a place an Order for this product?
Only One Astrological Horoscope to be provided per Order. If you need multiple Horoscope you need to place multiple Orders.
When you place an Order, you need to let us know (via Seller Contact or Notes or Additional Information) with

1. Person's Full Name (e.g. Robert  D Walters)
2. Date of Birth (e.g. 18 June 1983), 
3. Place of Birth as City State Country (e.g. Harrow, Middlesex, England) {we will work out, with equinoxes into consideration, nearest (not exact) GPS coordinates latitude longitude}
4. Time of birth (e.g. 13:58 PM), 
5. Gender (e.g. Male),
6. Your Email Address to receive the Horoscope Report.

With sincere apologies we cannot provide an Horoscope Report with incomplete or insufficient details and we reserve the right to cancel the order under exceptional circumstances.

What is included in the Product?
Very comprehensive and combined astrological Horoscope Report plus Predictions Report and Gemstone Remedy Recommendations using astronomical science created as PDF and can be sent only by email as PDF attachment. Nothing will be sent out in POST for this product. Usually 50 to 60 pages in total of everything consisting three PDFs with:

1. Cover Report
2. Horoscope Report (containing)
  • Planetary Positions at Birth Time (as Birth Chart)
  • Several Astronomical Tables and Charts (as Natal Chart)
  • Planetary details with various charts, calculations, analysis and dasha
  • Planetary Yogas
  • Results of Planetary Aspects
  • Predictions followed by gemstone remedy recommendations
  • Predictions On The Basis of Planet Positions
  • Prediction On The Basis of Bhavas
  • Result For Birth Nakshatra
3. Glossary Report.

How is this Horoscope Report different for other available Horoscope reports?
  • Most Horoscope reports do NOT provide Predictions Report or Gemstone remedy/recommendations. Many of them just provide Colourful Reports with generic zodiac information easily available freely via google search or generated through automated software.
  • This product provides Two-in-One. Comprehensive (approx. 50 to 60 pages in total) and combined - Your Personal Customized Horoscope Report plus Predictions Report plus Gemstone remedy/recommendations using your birth specifics (date time and place).
  • Most Horoscope Report includes your Birth Chart or Natal Chart or Rashi Chart (Planetary details with various charts, calculations, analysis and dasha) created by Astrologer, will usually always remain the same irrespective of which ever Astrologer created it in any part of the earth. 
  • Scrutinize and check their product offering if they provide you with Predictions Report or Gemstone remedy/recommendations.

How to understand if a Astrological Horoscope report is genuine?
  • Place of birth is very important to nearest possible details, so that latitude and longitude can be used. (e.g. Harrow, Middlesex, England).
  • Date and Time of birth is very important to nearest possible details (e.g. 2nd October 1980 06:15 AM)
We believe that any genuine Horoscope Report will include and use all the above considerations.
Astrology horoscope uses sidereal zodiac taking the precession of the Equinox into account when calculating horoscope charts.

How is this Astrological Vedic Horoscope Report created?
When you place an Order, you need to let us know (via Seller Contact or Notes or Additional Information) Person's Full Name (e.g. Robert), Date of Birth (e.g. 18 June 1983) , Place of Birth as City State Country (e.g. Harrow, Middlesex, England), Time of birth (e.g. 13:58 PM), Gender (e.g. Male) and your Email Address to receive the Horoscope Report.
  • Family of saints who have been practicing Vedic astrology for last 500 years under the foothills of Himalayas create an astrology birth chart or the Natal Chart as an astrological chart which shows the position of the sun, the moon and other planets at the exact time of your birth and your specific place of your birth.
  • Birth Chart or Natal Chart or Rasi Chart is then used to create detailed Horoscope by the Vedic astrologer.
  • Horoscope is then formatted as PDF report with several sections by trained clerks.
What is Astrological Vedic Horoscope?
Vedic astrology horoscope is based on the position of the stars and planets at a specific place, date and time of your birth. Astronomical science is used to determine the planetary motions using the latitude and longitude of the place of your birth along with the time of your birth, both of which are key to this Horoscope. (Please refer sample Report images)

Looking up from Earth, the sun and planets trace a path along the sky, moving against a backdrop of constellations, or patterns of stars which make up the various astrological signs, like Taurus, Aries, Pisces, etc. When the sun or a particular planet moves in front of a particular pattern of stars, it is said to be in the astrological sign those stars represent. Thus, the ecliptic path the planets take as they pass in front of the twelve signs of astrology is called the zodiac.

Vedic astrology followed the planets along this ecliptic path to create horoscopes and make predictions. But as the Earth spins on its axis, it actually experiences a wobble, known as precession. This wobble tilts the Earth, also tilting its ecliptic plane. As a full wobble takes 26,000 years to complete, the ecliptic plane shifts about 1 degree every 72 years. 

Vedic astrology horoscope takes precession into account and therefore calculates horoscopes based on the updated ecliptic path.
Vedic astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, which puts the planets’ position against a backdrop of stars (Sidereal means stars). Because of the Earth’s tilt and wobbly orbit, the stars and constellations do not remain in a fixed position. Each fixed star moves about one zodiacal degree every 72 years. The sidereal zodiac takes this into account via a corrective system called ayanmash.

Is this the right Product for you (Terms and Conditions)
  • Portion of the sale goes to a Charity.
  • Please purchase this product only if you are happy and understood all of the above concepts.
  • This is a Horoscope Report using pure Astronomical science based on the position of stars and planet at the time of your birth. Apologies for any minor typos in the report.
  • For the sake of clarity, this product has nothing to do with Spiritual Aura or Soul or Reiki or Psychic aspects and not expected to provide any spiritual magic, rather pure astronomical and astrological science.
  • There is no spiritual cleansing or personal consultations with this Product purchase. Horoscope Report along with Glossary FAQ is self explanatory. Please take your own time to read them.
  • Please kindly refer to sample PDF before you make a purchase.