Glucosamine Super Joint Elixir Turmeric Collagen 500ml CaliGold Bone Vitamins 

CaliGold Health Super Joint Elixir has been formed to

It also has a potent osteoarthritis formulation (6,000 mg per dose). It can help people to get a full range of motion and assist against joint stiffness. Arthritis and stiffness can occur in any parts of the body including knee joint, hips, back, ankle, hands and any other joints and it only gets worse as we age.

Supplements are recommended for all those people who start to suffer from age-related joint pain or rheumatoid arthritis and who want to feel energetic and active again. But it can also be beneficial for people who are overweight as it strengthens tendons, ligaments and cartilage tissue providing more trustworthy relief and care of the joints. If you are suffering from knee pain due to weight issues or any affected joint pain our Elixir is packed with essential vitamins and minerals to help you every day.

For the same reason, it is also approved for athletes, particularly after sports injuries such as sprains and strains or joint inflammation. People who have suffered cartilage damage or swelling need new cartilage to grow to help recover. It complements well with physical therapy to help with sports injuries.

As we age, our bodies suffer. Whether it is from diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or other autoimmune diseases and chronic pain conditions, many sufferers find a supplement can help with swelling and arthritis pain.

Pain management of any of these diseases will vary depending on how bad the pain or progressive the illness is. There are many options from simple pain relievers including joint injections or pain medication to joint replacement and braces, to help ease the pain of the injured area and other surgical treatment. Whatever is decided they will see significant changes in their lives. These diseases also cause fatigue, and effect the immune system. They can seriously affect daily activities and impact your life.

CaliGold Super Joint Elixir provides supplements to help combat arthritis symptoms and severe joint pain no matter where the affected joint is.