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The story that became the subject of this painting:

Sanada Yoichi, a young man of 25 years old, confronted Goro Matano of the Heike side in the Battle of Ishibashiyama.

Yoichi rushed toward the enemy advance line. Seeing Yoichi, the Heike warriors rushed forward to take him down, but they were helpless in the face of Yoichi's fierce fighting.

Goro Matano, a stalwart on the Heike side, appeared in front of Yoichi. The powerful Matano joined forces with Yoichi on a cliff that dropped into the sea, and the two continued to fight, one on top of the other.

The battle briefly went in Yoichi's favor, but he was finally killed at the young age of 25 by the hands of the samurai who had rushed to join him.