➤ Product Name: Taiwan Yingxiang Oolong Tea 台灣 迎香烏龍茶 

➤ Brand: Traditional Oolong House (鏡花水月) 

➤ Description: Yingxiang Oolong Tea is cultivated by the Qingxin Oolong and the Jin Xuan Oolong trees, and known as Taiwan Tea No.20. The color of soup is gold, and clear. Its taste is sweet. No bitter at all. The smell of the first two steeping is like the floral misxing with the fruit; that is, it is similar to the Qingxin Oolong. Tasting the third or and forth steeping would be very smooth which is the same as Jin Xuan Oolong. Brewing a tea, and enjoy the fantasy of the olfactory and taste. (迎香烏龍是由靑心烏龍與金萱烏龍育種而成的新品種茶樹,又稱台茶二十。茶湯顏色蜜黃清澈,甘甜不苦澀,初泡時天然花果香四溢,有如青心烏龍,此外更多了特殊的蘭花香氣,在第三、四泡茶韻堆疊轉換,口感溫潤滑順,好似金萱烏龍一般,將熱水沖入壺中,享受一場嗅覺與味覺的盛宴。) 

➤ Taste: Made from the original tea leaves without any artificial ingredient 

➤ Weight: 100g/ 150g 

➤ Pack Way: A vacuum bag in a sealed bottle 

➤ Country of Region: Buy from Taiwan, ship from Taiwan 

➤ Product ID: A07EL01A/ A07EL01B 

Traditional Oolong House - An idea to enjoy your Taiwan tea

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