Tiny Panasonic continuous lighting unit as shown. No model number on it so we don't know what this fits but we are guessing a Panasonic camcorder. If anyone knows more about this please let us know. Note the second photo showing the foot and electronic connection.

 Oddog2 is a husband/wife team, home-based small business specializing in the buying/refurbishment/selling of primarily photographic equipment. We do occasionally have other types of things to sell that come to us as a result of our search for camera-related items. We have 47 years of experience (22 years as a hobby, 25 as a full time effort) with photographic equipment, both as a shooter (17 years newspaper photojournalist) and as a collector/restorer/seller. We have been on eBay as Oddog or Oddog2 since September 1999.