➤ Product Name: Taiwan Oolong Tea/ Roasted Pomelo Flower Oolong Tea 台灣 炭焙柚花釀烏龍茶 

➤ Brand: Wood-Roasted Tea House (軒典堂) 

➤ Description: From a limited selection of Pomelo flower, which blooms around March, only undewed Pomelo flower is harvested for spring-season tea, and as roasted mildly in low-temperature, with a layer of Pomelo flower versus a layer of tea leave, Pomelo aroma is fused throughout the entire aromatic spectrum of this tea. (柚子花挑選嚴格,必搶在三月柚子花初綻放的時刻摘取未沾染露水的鮮花。搭配當季春茶,一層柚花一層茶葉的比例原則,以木材低溫慢火烘焙,耐心地等候柚子香氣沁入茶中。再者柚子花期非常短,所以上等炭焙柚子花烏龍實為花茶中的珍稀品。) 

➤ Taste The wood-roasted tea with natural flowers, without any artificial ingredient 

➤ Weight: 150g 

➤ Pack Way: A vacuum bag in a sealed bottle 

➤ Country of Region: Buy from Taiwan, ship from Taiwan 

➤ Product ID: B06EL01 

Wood-Roasted Tea House - Charcoal baking Oolong experts

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