Title: Pomegranate - The Chant of the Elementals
Format: Regular CD Jewel-Box edition with 16 pages booklet
Year: 21.09.2022
Label: The Circle Music
Tracklist:         01 Hlara Aralh
02 Oruphal
03 Ozoonhas
04 Nevenhir
05 Ode ad Afrodite
06 Ode a Dioniso
07 Aura Magi
08 Hummingbirds
09 Amethyst (bonus track)
Info: The new ATARAXIA album is a poetic race through the essence of the elements constantly inspired by the elemental spirits of nature to reach the athanor and embody the conjunctio oppositorum or alchemical marriage. From height to uterine abysses, between spirit and matter, enveloped by the liquid currents of Nevenhir, elemental spirit of water, nereid and siren. The sonic journey ends with an outro that catapults us back into the matter of the origins as renewed creatures. We are on an island in a primeval state, the singing of the hummingbirds, the bells, the wind and the words of power of the priestesses envelop us…

The CD and limited A5-sized editions of the album contain the bonus track “Amethyst”, a purple healing stone, in which, calm and contemplative, we thank for the gifts received after two years of very hard trials (2020-2022). Courage, beauty, intelligence, love, desire for achievement have ensured that “Pomegranate”, thanks to the precious support of The Circle Music, could take shape and flourish.

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