El harraz Natural Soap With Turmeric Acne Treatment 90 gm

Acne Treatment

It works on several levels. First, turmeric prevents skin cells from clumping and clogging pores

In addition to being antiseptic and antibacterial, it effectively stops the growth of acne-causing bacteria

 Its anti-inflammatory properties also promote faster healing by soothing inflamed areas.
 Reduces hyperpigmentation

Turmeric inhibits the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for dark spots and other types of hyperpigmentation. With regular use, a product containing turmeric can help fade these blemishes naturally to give the skin an even look

Treats dull skin
Rarely, engorged, inflamed or damaged skin is smooth and bright. That's why turmeric's purifying, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant powers can be so glow-inducing. The use of turmeric in your skin care regimen also contributes to the promotion of microcirculation within it, which makes your skin stronger and more supple.

 Reduces dark circles
Add the anti-inflammatory, skin-brightening, and microcirculation-boosting properties of turmeric and you've got the perfect recipe for fighting dark circles under the eyes - all in one ingredient

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