Kids have fun with Cranky who can completely turn around left to right or right to left and raise or lower his crane. He is able to have Flynn drive into the rescue crate and be moved onto the loading surface.

Watch with excitement as Flynn comes thru the doors of the crate and onto the tracks to knock over the flame tab which will extinguish the fire and save the day!

Remote control talking Cranky the crane says phrases that are cranky sounding, hello Im cranky, i load You deliver, I’m really useful The crates are light as fluff, it’s always busy at the docks, Let’s be really useful, lift & load. I’m stuck here loading and unloading all day, Cranky and his remote both take batteries (4 AA CRANE 3 AAA for remote) which are not included. Item will be partially disassembled prior to packaging.

I just gently wiped everything down, will need a thorough cleaning. There are some scratches on cranky & mild scuffs on rest of items, overall in very good condition.