
CD74HC4067 16 Channel Analogue Digital MUX Multiplexer Breakout Board

Have you ever found yourself running out of pins to read an array of analog sensors? Don't worry, you're not alone, it happens to the best of us, and there is something you can do about it. An analog / digital multiplexer like the CD74HC4067 (mux for short) can help multiply the amount of pins you have, and it is insanely easy to connect to your Arduino or other microcontroller

The CD74HC4067 is a 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer. What it allows you to do is use 4 digital pins, to control the flow of one pin to 16 others. It can actually be used in either direction, and even with serial or other digital interfaces.

A multiplexer of this sort really just acts as a 16 to one 1 switch. The 4 digital pins are used to set HIGH or LOW, in a binary fashion (0-15) to determine what pin "SIG" is connected to. So bringing all 4 pins LOW would switch the CD74HC4067 to channel 0 (so SIG and C0 would be connected), bringing them all HIGH would switch it to 15 (so SIG and C15 would be connected)