Return Policy: eBay has recently instituted a minimum return policy of 30 Days (to be considered a "Top Seller") which for used and very often vintage equipment is, in my opinion, too long. And all I sell is used and vintage equipment. I've checked the "No Returns Accepted" box for every item I am offering for sale but that doesn't mean I won't stand behind what I'm selling.

Unless otherwise stated every item will come with a 7 day return privilege from the day you receive it. This is something that I did way back when, well before eBay got around to instituting a return policy. And if I've made a mistake (I do on rare occasions) and it is not as described I will also pay for the return shipping. The buyer shouldn't have to pay for my mistakes. However, if you've purchased an item in error (e.g. an FD Canon manual focus lens to use on your EF mount autofocus digital body) or had a change of heart and no longer want the item within the first 7 Days then you're going to pay the return shipping as I shouldn't have to pay for your mistakes or post-purchase decisions. That seems fair to me.

I will also offer warranties of 30 Days or more on certain items. Expect to see that with more user oriented items than with collector oriented items.

Mamiya TLR Stuff


Hello, and thanks for looking. Here we have a couple of things for Mamiya TLR cameras. First up is a good used condition 180mm shade or hood. The other item is a 90º prism finder. Good or user cosmetic condition. There’s a good bit of separation which hopefully you can see in the pics. The heavier center line shows up as a vertical center line in the top third of your view. The other line shows up as a thin horizontal that bisects the vertical line. I know some people can’t deal with any sort of obstruction in the viewfinder but if you can it’s not so bad, especially when you’re focused on something close since a lot of the view is then out of focus anyway. If you think you’d use the prism constantly I’d say go find another but for now and again i think this could serve a lot of folks well. I could live with it. Your mileage may vary.