1876 original map of Richmond, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, from the Atlas of Berkshire County by F. W. Beers. Page 70. Approximately 13 by 16 inches. Hand colored, pale pink.

Shown on this map: Richmond HIll, RIchmond Pond, Sharps Pond, Blacksmith Shop, Store & Post Office, Boston & Albany Railroad, schoolhouses, cemeteries, churches, Richmond Furnace P.O., Richmond Iron Co., Kenmore School, Pomeroy Iron Works, Town House, The Shelter, New York Iron Co., Mount Osceola, etc.

Property owners' names are shown on most houses. Among surnames shown: Bacon, Salmon, Peirson, Loomis, Sharp, Reynolds, Andrews, Rossiter, Langdon, Woodruff, North, Benton, Reid, Brown, Dodge, Cook, etc.

Maps are shipped flat in a 200 pound test corrugated cardboard folder for safe travel!