American Presidents VHS Color & BW 40 Minutes SP Speed
Since 1933, the United States has risen from the Great Depression, emerged victorious from WWII,  braved space exploration, and prevailed in a nearly 50-year Cold War.  during this time the country has also teetered ont he brink of a nuclear holocaust, felt the pains of racial strife, waged a foreign war it could not win, and continues to battle forces within that threaten our national security and most precious freedoms. Through it all, 11 men have helmed the ship of state as president. All were tested in moments of national peril.  All faced personal crises.  History will continue to judge them by their achievements - and sometimes by their failures. This is their story. 
On one side front of cover is a small tear.  This does not affect the tape, only the carton.  See picture to view.