KnitPro Mio Stitch Markers / Tapestry Needles

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Main Description

KnitPro's Mio range of knitting accessories - stitch markers and tapestry needles. These beautiful stitch markers can be used to mark pattern repeats, increases and decreases or other stitches in your knitting. Tapestry needles make sewing up a joy!

Choose from:

Mio Stitch Ring Markers: Pack of 50 stitch ring markers (10 large (16.5mm), 20 medium (10.0mm) and 20 smaill (6.0mm) rings)

Mio Split Ring Markers: Pack of 30 rings

Mio Locking Stitch Markers: Pack of 30 stitch markers

Mio Tapestry Needles Set: Pack of 4 needles, 2 small and 2 large

Brand:  KnitPro
Product:  Stitch Markers / Tapestry Needles
Material: Plastic

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