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Multiple data sources that cover mostly all the topics of LINUX. This is a compilation of training tutorial videos as well as books gathered. Returns are not accepted given that files included can be copied.

Below are the LINUX video tutorial files:

01 Introduction and Syllabus   LFCS Study Guide
02 Registering for the Exam   LFCS Study Guide
03 Editing Text Files on the Command line   echo cat redirection   LFCS Study Guide
04 Editing Text Files on the Command line   vi vim uniq sort sed   LFCS Study Guide
05 Manipulating Texy Files from the Command line   LFCS Study Guide
06 Archiving and Compressing Files and Directories   LFCS Study Guide
07 Assembling Partitions as LVM Devices   LFCS Study Guide
08 Configuring Swap Partitions   LFCS Study Guide
09 File Attributes   LFCS Study Guide
1  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   About The Certification and How to Prepare
10  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Introduction To Linux Package Managers
10 Finding Files on the Filesystem   LFCS Study Guide
11  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    A Look At System Resources With The Linux Top Command
11 Partitioning Storage Devices   LFCS Study Guide
12  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Finding Files In Linux
12 Formatting Filesystems   LFCS Study Guide
13  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Apt Get Command Set
13 Mounting Filesystems Automatically at Boot Time   LFCS Study Guide
14  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Apt Cache Package Management
14 Mounting Networked Filesystems   LFCS Study Guide
15  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    DPKG Command Set
15 Troubleshooting Filesystem Issues   LFCS Study Guide
16  Creating Backups   LFCS Study Guide
16  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    Summary  u0026 Overview of aptitude
17  Creating Local User Groups   LFCS Study Guide
17  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   A Look At dselect
18  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   RPM Package Management
18  Managing File Permissions   LFCS Study Guide
19  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   YUM Software Management
19  Managing FSTAB Entries   LFCS Study Guide
2  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Choosing a Distribution
20  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    yumdownloader  u0026 rpm2cpio
20  Managing Local User Accounts   LFCS Study Guide
21  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Vi Modes  u0026 The importance of Vi
21  Managing the Startup Process and Related Services   LFCS Study Guide
22  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Vi Commands and Usage
22  Managing User Accounts   LFCS Study Guide
23  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   wc, split, cat, and diff commands
23  Managing User Account Attributes   LFCS Study Guide
24  Managing User Processes   LFCS Study Guide
24 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Streams stdin, stdout, stderr and Redirects
25  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Pipes
25  Restoring Backed Up Data   LFCS Study Guide
26  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   grep, egrep, and fgrep
26  Setting File Permissions and Ownership   LFCS Study Guide
27  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Cut Command
27 Accessing the Root Account   LFCS Study Guide
28  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   sed Stream Editor
28 Using SUDO to Manage Access to the Root Account   LFCS Study Guide
29  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   tee command
29 Basic Bash Shell Scripting 0 Basic Setup and Execution   LFCS Study Guide
3  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Basic User Management For Fresh Images Server Installs
30  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   sys, proc, dev and var
30 Basic Bash Shell Scripting   Conditionals and Loops   LFCS Study Guide
31  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    lsmod
31 Installing Software Packages   The Debian Ubuntu Way   LFCS Study Guide
32  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    lspci and lsusb
32 Installing Software Packages   The Red Hat CentOS Way   LFCS Study Guide
33  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   modprobe and insmod
34  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Grub Boot loader
35  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Differentiate and Optimize Storage and Input
36  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Differentiate and Demonstrate Hot and Cold Plug Devices
37  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Determine Hardware Device Resources
38  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
39  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   System Boot Process
4  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   A Look At VI And Nano Text Editors
40  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Init and Telinit
41 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   File Naming Basics And A Look At File Commands
42 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   File Archiving  u0026 The RM, MV Commands
43 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  The gunzip Command
44 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Linux Links
45 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Linking Vs  Copying Files
46 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Basic Directory  u0026 Group Commands
47 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Special Permission Bits
48 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Default Permissions umask, newgrp, and chattr
49 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Linux Core Directories  u0026 What They Are Used For
5  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    Root User, Sudo Users And Setting Up Your User Account
50 Amazing Examples of Find Command
50 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Finding Files In Linux Using, Find, Locate, Whereis, Which an
51 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  updatedb conf configuration file
52 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Using The dd Command
53 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  The touch Command
54 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Software Libraries
55 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Using ps To Manage Processes
56 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Using TOP
57 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Using nice To Change Linux Process Priorities
58 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Killing Processes In Linux
59 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Using The uname Command To Query System Information
6  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    Navigating Linux  u0026 The File System
60 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Understanding Background VS Foreground processes
61 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  The nohup Command
62 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  The free Command
63 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Which and Whereis
64 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Finding Files With Locate
65 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  The Powerful Find Command
66 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  How To Create A Linux Academy Disk Volume
67 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Creating And Mounting A Disk Partition
68 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Using fdisk, Creating A File System, and Configuring Mount En
69 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  Working With Linux Swap
7  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   Logs  u0026 More File Management Tools
70 Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101  media mount point
8  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101   File Permissions
9  Linux build from scratch LPI 1 101    Cron Jobs
Lecture   11 Memory
Lecture   12 Memory Organization
Lecture   19 Software for Embedded Systems
Lecture   20  Virtual Memory
Lecture   21 Scheduling Policies
Lecture   22 Segmentation
Lecture   26 DMA   Direct Memory Access
Lecture  1 Embedded Systems  Introduction
Lecture  13 Virtual Memory and Memory Management Unit
Lecture 15   Inroduction to memory system
Lecture 20   Fundamentals of Embedded Operating Systems
Linux Sysadmin Basics    6    Processes Overview
Linux Sysadmin Basics    6.1 Process Signals
Linux Sysadmin Basics    6.2 State, Niceness, and How to Monitor Processes
Linux Sysadmin Basics    6.3 The   proc Filesystem
Linux Sysadmin Basics    7    Filesystem Layout Overview
Linux Sysadmin Basics    7.1 Filesystem Layout
Linux Sysadmin Basics    Course Introduction
Linux Sysadmin Basics    Linux File Permissions
Linux Sysadmin Basics    Linux File Types
Linux Sysadmin Basics    User Account Management
Linux Sysadmin Basics 01    Setting up a Linux Virtual Machine
Linux Sysadmin Basics 02    Basic Commands
Linux Sysadmin Basics 02.1    More Basic Commands
Linux Sysadmin Basics 03    Text Editors (and review of basic commands)
Linux Sysadmin Basics 04    Shell Features    Pipes and Redirection
Linux Sysadmin Basics 05    Package Management with apt get
Linux Sysadmin Basics 4.1    Filtering Output and Finding Things ( u0026 u0026, cut, sort, uniq, wc, grep)
Linux Terminal commands and navigation for Beginners  Part1
Linux Terminal commands and navigation for Beginners  Part2
Linux Terminal commands and navigation for Beginners  Part3
Linux Terminal commands and navigation for Beginners  Part4
Linux Terminal commands and navigation for Beginners  Part5
Linux Terminal commands and navigation for Beginners  Part6
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   1   Introduction
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   10   Compress and Extract tar and gz Files
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   11   Install Software with APT apt get
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   12   Users
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   13   Groups and More
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   14   Setup and Connect to SSH Server
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   15   SSH Key Authentication
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   16   Disable Password Login
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   17   SFTP
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   18   Partitions
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   19   Creating Partitions with GParted
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   2   Downloading Ubuntu
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   20   Shell Script Basics
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   21   More on Shell Scripting
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   3   Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   4   Terminal
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   5   Navigating and Working with Files
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   6   Searching and Comparing Files
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   7   Saving Results to a File
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   8   File Permissions
Linux Tutorial for Beginners   9   Verify Files Using Checksum
Lesson 1   Introduction
Lesson 10   What is Footprinting
Lesson 100   Wriless Cracking Via Kali Linux
Lesson 101   Mesterpreter Overview
Lesson 102   Activating Payloads
Lesson 103   MsFconsole explained
Lesson 104   MsDconsole Commands
Lesson 105   Exploits
Lesson 106   Payloads
Lesson 107   Generating Payloads
Lesson 108   Generating Payloads Continues
Lesson 109   Intro To SQL injection
Lesson 11   Footprinting Objectives
Lesson 110   SQL Injection To Google Dorks
Lesson 111   SQL Mapping Via Kali Linux
Lesson 112   Gathering Password And Cracking The Hash
Lesson 113   Introduction To Cryptography
Lesson 114   Basic Concepts On Cryptography
Lesson 115   Hash Func and Oracle Method
Lesson 116   Birthday Theorem  u0026 Digital Signature
Lesson 117   Pros and Cons Of Cryptography
Lesson 118   Improting Databases
Lesson 119   Exporting Darabases
Lesson 12   Footprinting Tools
Lesson 120   Exporting Databases Shown in Praticals
Lesson 13   Introsuction To Google Hacking
Lesson 14   Nuts and Bolts of Google Hacking
Lesson 15   Google Hacking Processes
Lesson 16   Who is Lookup
Lesson 17   DNS Footpronting Overview
Lesson 18   DNS Footprinting Function and Process
Lesson 19   Determining Operation System
Lesson 2   What is Ethical hacking and penetration testing
Lesson 2   The vi Editor
Lesson 20   Introduction To Phishing Attacks
Lesson 21   Phishing Attacks Details
Lesson 22   Connecting Inforation Database
Lesson 23   Introduction To Nmap And Zenmap
Lesson 24   Nmap
Lesson 25   Zenmap
Lesson 26   The Harvester Overview
Lesson 27   The Harvester Process and Functions
Lesson 28   WHO IS and dnsenum Overview
Lesson 29    DNSenum
Lesson 3   Kali Linux
Lesson 30   URLcrazy
Lesson 31   DNSdict
Lesson 32   DNSrecon
Lesson 33   DNSmapping
Lesson 34   Introduction To Social Engineering and information Gathering
Lesson 35   Types Of Social Engineering
Lesson 36   Social Engineering Attacks
Lesson 37   Spear Phishing Attacks
Lesson 38   Phishing Attack
Lesson 39   Phishing Attack Consequences
Lesson 4   Operating Systems
Lesson 40   Mass mailer Attack
Lesson 41   Introduction To Computer Malwares
Lesson 42   Types Of Computer Malwares
Lesson 43   Dangerous Viruses Of all Time
Lesson 44   Some Prominent Dangerous Viruses Of all Time
Lesson 45   Installing Rootkit Hunter
Lesson 46   Backdoor Overview
Lesson 47   Backdoor Process and Functions
Lesson 48   Backdoor   Gaining Access
Lesson 49   Backdoor   Maitaining Access
Lesson 5   Concepts on Operating
Lesson 50   Backdoor   Maitaining Access Continued
Lesson 51   Introducing Command Prompt Backdoor
Lesson 52    Command Prompt Backdoor Details
Lesson 53   Meterpreter Backdoor
Lesson 54   I am Root
Lesson 55   Foensic Escaping
Lesson 56   Hacking Win7 SAM database
Lesson 57   Jack The Ripper
Lesson 58   Meterpreter Commands
Lesson 59   PDF Embedded Trojan Horse
Lesson 6   Installing Operating Systems
Lesson 60   Introduction To Java Applet Attack Method
Lesson 61   Java Applet Attack Method Continues
Lesson 62   MITM Attack
Lesson 63   ARP Poisoning
Lesson 64   DNS Spoofing vs DNS Poisoning
Lesson 65   DNS Spoofing
Lesson 66   Advanced Concepts on DNS Spoofing
Lesson 67   DHCP Spoofing
Lesson 68   Port Stealing
Lesson 69   Introduvtion To ICMP redirection
Lesson 7   Installing Vmware Tools
Lesson 70   ICMP redirection Visual Chart
Lesson 71   IMPC redirection Process and Functions
Lesson 72   Killing a Network
Lesson 73   Ddosing Unauthorised Network
Lesson 74   Driftnet
Lesson 75   Introducing EvilGrade
Lesson 76   EvillGrade Continues
Lesson 77   Introduction To Dos
Lesson 78   DoS VS DDoS
Lesson 79   Levels Of DDos Attacks
Lesson 8   Configuring Kali Linux
Lesson 80   Preventing DDos Attacks
Lesson 81   Introsuction To DDoSing Windows 7
Lesson 82   DDosing Windows 7 Methods
Lesson 83   Introduction To Hacking
Lesson 84   Hacking Though Android
Lesson 85   Hacking Android Via Kali Linux
Lesson 86   Introduction To Password Cracking
Lesson 87    Password Cracking Strategy
Lesson 88   Password Cracking Strategy Shown In Practicals
Lesson 89   Windows Password Cracking Overview
Lesson 9   Installing Kali Linux On MacBook
Lesson 90   Nuts And Bolts Of Windows Password Cracking Strategy
Lesson 91   Introduction To Linux Hash Cracking
Lesson 92   Linux Hash Cracking Strategy
Lesson 93   Generating Wordlist Overview
Lesson 94   Generating Wordlist Process and Functions
Lesson 95   CeWL Cracking
Lesson 96   WEP and WPA
Lesson 97   WPA Continues
Lesson 98   802 1X Standard
Lesson 99   Wireless Cracking Overview
linux   unix simple commands
Linux Basic Copy  u0026 Deletion Commands
Linux Basic Linking, Archiving  u0026 Compression Commands
Linux Basic Navigation Commands
Linux Basic Networking Commands
Linux Basic Output and Creative Commands
Linux Basic Pagers Commands
Linux Basic Process Control Command
Linux Basics    Scheduling Tasks with Cron
Linux Bootable USB Drive
Linux Command Line for Beginners  What's happening on this machine
Linux Command Line for Beginners  Your First 5 Minutes
Linux Device Drivers Intro part2
Linux Device Drivers Intro
Linux Device Drivers part3
Linux Essentials 4.3 Understanding Where Data Is Stored
Linux Essentials L01 What is Linux Essentials Certification
Linux Essentials L01.1 Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems
Linux Essentials L01.2 Major Open Source Applications
Linux Essentials L01.3 Understanding Open Source Software and Licensing
Linux Essentials L01.4 ICT Skills and Working in Linux
Linux Essentials L02.1 Command Line Basics
Linux Essentials L2.0 Python primer
Linux Essentials L2.2 Obtaining help from the command line
Linux Essentials L2.3 Using Directories and Listing Files
Linux Essentials L2.4 Working with files and directories
Linux Essentials L3.1 Archiving Files on the Command Line
Linux Essentials L3.2 Searching and Extracting Data from Files
Linux Essentials L3.3 Turning Linux Commands into Shell Scripts
Linux Essentials L4.1 Choosing and Operating System
Linux Essentials L4.2 Understanding Computer Hardware
Linux Essentials L4.4 Networking
Linux Essentials on Udemy  Using info pages
Linux Essentials on Udemy   That squiggley key
Linux Essentials on Udemy
Linux Essentials Topic 5 2 Users and Groups
Linux Essentials Topic 5.1 User Types
Linux Mint Shell Scripting for Beginners   Part 4
Linux Mint Shell Scripting for Beginners  Part 1
Linux Mint Shell Scripting for Beginners  Part 2
Linux Mint Shell Scripting for Beginners  Part 3
Linux Permissions and using C programming to understand the SUID bit on the Raspberry Pi
Linux shell quotes
Linux Tutorial for Beginners
LINUX Understanding inodes
Linux  Man Pages   cp
Linux  Man Pages   cut
Linux  Man Pages   find
Linux  Man Pages   grep
Linux  Man Pages   ls
Linux  Man Pages   mkdir
Linux  Man Pages   tail
Mastering Linux HTOP Command
Mastering Linux Netstat Command
Mastering Linux TOP Command
Mod 01 Lec 01 Linux Basics
Mod 01 Lec 02 Linux Basics II
Mod 01 Lec 03 Linux Basics III
Mod 01 Lec 04  Linux Basics IV
Mod 02 Lec 05 Linux Networking  I
Mod 02 Lec 06 Linux Networking  II
Mod 02 Lec 07 File Transfer Protocol
Mod 02 Lec 08  Domain Name System
Raspberry Pi Create your own Repository
Raspberry PI LPI Linux Essentials Apache Web Server
Raspberry PI LPI Linux Essentials Installing and Using Firefox
Raspberry PI LPI Linux Essentials Installing and Using MySQL
Raspberry PI LPI Linux Essentials Introduction to Major Open Source Applications
Raspberry PI LPI Linux Essentials Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems
Raspberry Pi LPI Linux Essentials Samba Server
Raspberry PI LPI Linux Essentials Using GIMP
Raspberry PI LPI Linux Essentials Using ImageMagick
Remote desktop with TeamViewer in Ubuntu Linux
Symbolic Links in Linux
Sysadmin Book Review  Networking For Systems Administrators
Sysadmin Training  Where to find Answers to Technical Questions
The vi  vim editor   Lesson 1
Understanding Linux named pipes
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 1
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 2
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 3
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 4
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 5
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 6
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 7
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 8
Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP   Part 9
Variables in bash
Vi Basic Reading and Writing From External file
Vi Basics Executing External Commands
Vim Basics Multi Windows Editing
VMware Linux Mint in Full Screen with VMware Tools