Quiko Forte: Minerals for Pet birds.

31 different minerals plus trace elements and vitamins work to produce optimum skeletal growth as well as correct feather formation. Forte will work to increase the performance of canaries, parakeets, pigeons, and other aviary birds. It can also be used for the prevention and treatment of a deficiency of trace elements in young and developed birds. It is the optimum supplement to Quiko rearing food (see Quiko supplements).


Composition: Dicalcium phosphate, sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, Magnesium oxide, Potassium chloride

Analytical constituents: Crude protein 0.10% / Crude fat 0.60% / Crude fibre 0.00% / Crude ash 79.11% / Calcium 19.90% / Sodium 5.50% / Phosphorus 11.80%

Additives/kg: Vitamin A: 2,000,000 I.U. - Vitamin D3: 200,000 I.U. - Vitamin E: 8.000 mg - Vitamin K3: 250 mg - Vitamin C: 20.000 mg - Biotin: 25,000 mcg - Folic acid: 400 mg - Vitamin B2: 4.500 mg - Vitamin B6: 1,500 mg - Vitamin B12: 30,000 mcg - CA-D pantothenate: 1,500 mg - Niacinamide: 3,000 mg - Vitamin B1: 2,000 mg - Iron: 450 mg - Copper: 96 mg - Manganese: 160 mg - Zinc: 3,000 mg - Iodine: 84 mg


Canaries, parakeets and pet birds: 3 x weekly 1 teaspoon to 1 kg feed for approx. 10 birds - during breeding 1 x daily.
Pigeons, large parakeets and parrots: 1 level tablespoon (approx. 10 g) 3 x a week for 20 birds.
Give Quiko Forte over the food or for free intake in the bowl.
Store in a cool and dry place.

DISCLAIMER: This product is for pet birds only. Not for animals whose meat or eggs are intended for human consumption.