Citrine & Lapis Lazuli Healing Bracelet, chakra bracelet, solar plexus chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra



The spiritual meaning of Citrine is its yellow hues symbolizing the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation.

In times of low to moderate stress, Citrine is a perfect ally for realigning your energies back into balance. 

Citrine is also known as the Merchant’s Stone, due to its ability to transmute energies quickly and easily, facilitating transfers of energy from one to another.

Citrine also represents spiritual joy since it spreads positive, energetic light around its aura and is said to be one of only two crystals which do not need to be recharged or purified.

With this in mind, you can use it as an excellent tool to bring positive energies to areas where you might have or suspect to have negative energies, spirits, or even ghosts.

- this stone has energies of good fortune and good luck

- success and prosperity stone

- solar plexus chakra stone

- increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy

- clear unwanted energies from environment (indoors or outdoors)

- stones that brings hope

- good for protection in general

- brings stability energetically

- citrine does not absorb negative energies from surrounding so never need energetic clearing

- useful for meditation and spiritual development

- enhances mental clarity and confidence, increases creativity


This stone promotes critical thinking, so it’s perfect for people who are writers, journalists, psychologists, and executives by profession.

This will be a very handy tool that will help in intellectual analysis, problem solving, and generating new ideas.

It will help you gain the knowledge that you need to look at different situations clearly and objectively so that you will come to the best decision.

It will also enhance your intellectual abilities, activate your higher mind, and sharpen your memory.

It is a good protection stone because of all the protective energies that it holds. But it’s also a manifestation stone because it can help you make your dreams a reality!

It empower your thoughts, it can also protect you from both psychic and physical attacks in both your personal or professional life.However, this isn’t just a stone of the mind, but also of emotional calmness too. If you find that you get swamped by feelings from time to time, or take on the emotions of others due to naturally high empathy, this could well be the stone for you. 

It is also what you need if you wish to experience spiritual growth. Just clutching the stone in your hands can help you reach a meditative state that will give your life peace and serenity!

It will enhance your creativity and give you more energy to tackle the tasks of the day.

It will help you with your organization of your day to day affairs, increase your concentration, and quiet your busy and often noisy mind.

There will be days when things will not make sense, and this lucky stone will lessen your confusion.

This lapis meaning is hugely appreciated by those working stressful jobs, or running a busy household.

Third chakra, solar plexus chakra, Manipura chakra

Location: between navel and solar plexus

Colour: yellow

Mantra: Ram

If balanced you feel: energy, strength, confidence, strong will, mental balance, health, active

If not balanced you feel: guilty, lack of energy, weakness, allergy, fatigue, low self-esteem, worthlessness, digestion and liver problems

Fifth chakra, throat chakra, Vishuddha Chakra

Location: throat

Bssic issues: communication, self-expression

Colour: blue

Mantra: Ham

If balanced you feel: peaceful, truthful, listening, good communication, strong self-expression

If not balanced you feel: shy, weak voice, fear of speaking, unable to listen, lying, arrogance, thyroid, hearing, throat problems

Third Eye Chakra- Ajna chakra

Location: between brows

Basic issues: intuition, vision, perception

Colour: indygo

Mantra: Om

If balanced you feel: intuitive, guided, perceptive, clairvoyance, bright dreams, spiritual, mental strength, good vision.

If unbalanced you feel: lack of intuition and imagination, manipulative, panic, fear, nightmares, vision and eyes problems, migraines.

Healing crystals meaning are spiritual support to healing and are not healthcare information.

Stones were subjected to cleansing ritual (palo santo smudging ) and charged.

Thank you! 🧚‍♀️🙏🍀