"Instructions for the Use of The Hoover Mothimizer"—the Mothimizer was an attachment for Hoover vacuums. It was designed to disperse paradichlorobenzene crystals (the same chemical used in moth balls) in one's closet and furniture to control moths.

4 pages, 8-3/4 by 12 inches full size. Quarter folds down to 4-3/8 by 6. Black ink. 3 photos. Date on back indicates 11-39. Great addition to your ephemera or vacuum related collectibles. 

See many other vintage and antique items at my other listings. My specialties include, printing and design collectibles, vintage products and packaging, coins, hand tools, sidewalk bricks, campaign buttons, office supplies, 78 rpm and LP records, books, postcards, lots of others. Always shipped in superior packaging. Guaranteed to please and willing to combine items to save shipping cost, just ask for a personalized invoice rather than paying immediately.

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