DE: Adapter zur Nutzung von 37mm Filtern an allen Zweiäugige Mittelformat Kameras mit Bay 1 Bajonett vor dem Objektiv. Designt und gedruckt in Deutschland. 

EN: Adapter for use of 37mm Filters with all Medium Format TLR Cameras with Bay 1 Mount in front of the lens. Designed and 3d-printed in Germany. 

Kompatibilität / compatibility:  

- Yashica TLR with Bayonet Mount, like Yashica Mat 124G
- Rolleicord TLR
- Rolleiflex TLR with Bay 1 Mount 
- Minolta Autocord TLR

For reference (Rick Oleson):

BAY 1: All f/3.5 Tessars & Xenars, Rolleicords and non-Rollei copies that have bayonets.
BAY 2: F/2.8 Tessars, f/3.5 Planars and Xenotars
BAY 3: F/2.8 Planars, Xenotars and Biometars