  1. Pheromone-based: The vials contain a pheromone-based lure that mimics the scent of the queen bee, which attracts worker bees and encourages them to swarm around the lure.

  2. Easy to use: The vials are easy to use and can be easily crushed and placed near the hive to attract swarms.

  3. Compact: The vials are compact and easy to store, making them a convenient option for beekeepers who need to attract swarms quickly.

  4. Durable: The vials are made of durable plastic, which helps protect the Swarm Commander lure inside from damage.

  5. Long-lasting: The Swarm Commander Crush Vials have a long shelf life and can be stored for several months without losing their effectiveness.

  6. Cost-effective: The vials are an affordable option for beekeepers who want to attract swarms without investing in expensive equipment.

Product Description:
Swarm Commander Crush Vials are a product designed to help beekeepers capture and transport swarms of bees.
Beekeepers can capture swarms by placing a lure, such as Swarm Commander, near the hive, which attracts the bees and encourages them to cluster around the lure.

Swarm Commander is a pheromone-based lure that mimics the scent of the queen bee, which attracts worker bees and encourages them to swarm around the lure. Swarm Commander Crush Vials are a convenient and easy-to-use version of the Swarm Commander lure. The vials contain a small amount of Swarm Commander liquid and can be easily crushed and placed near the hive to attract swarms.

To use Swarm Commander Crush Vials, beekeepers simply crush the vial and place it near the hive. The scent of the Swarm Commander will attract swarms to the location, making it easier for beekeepers to capture and transport them. The vials are compact and easy to store, making them a convenient option for beekeepers who need to attract swarms quickly.

Overall, Swarm Commander Crush Vials are a useful tool for beekeepers who want to capture and transport swarms of bees. By using the pheromone-based lure, beekeepers can attract swarms to a specific location, making it easier to capture and transport them to a new hive.