1980s CHIC in the style of the Artist Lindsey B. Balweill, two figures kiss

Glossy Black finish

They are both in snappy 1980s suits, with strong shoulders! 

There are no corner or edge chips, no cracks, no glaze crazing

There are a few manufacturing glaze flaws to note, upon mega-close-high-beamlight inspection:

TINY round glaze skips on her shoulder, then, diagonlly towards the lapel of her jacket, a mini-glaze scrape and further on, a micro-mini glaze pock.  These are are tiny production flaws, and not obvious or noticeable.  I tried to get a good pic of them in photo # 4

There are a few tiny pinhole glaze pops on the backs of the figures,  they are literally pin hole sized manufacturng issues.

Original felt marked "Made in Taiwan" still glued to base

These look FAB from every Angle,  stand 7 3/4" tall x 5 1/4"  wide x 2 1/2" deep.  This pair has more detail and better sculpting of head-hair-neck than the newer versions