10 Individual STOK Caffeinated Unsweetened Espresso Black Coffee Caffeine Shots

10 PCS

caffiEne per bottle
per serving
caffiEne per bottle
Warning: limit 2
per day

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STOK Caffeinated Cold Brew Coffee Shots delivers 40 Mg of caffeine per serving, 
which is equivalent to a shot of espresso. 

It’s a 13 mL Black Coffee Shot that puts more caffeine in your coffee. 

Comes in a creamer-like container for portion control. 

Limit to 2 servings per day. 
Not for use by children under age 18, pregnant women or the caffeine-sensitive. 
This is the ideal convenience pack. 

Buy these 10 shots and use them with up to 2 cups of coffee a day. 

Amazingly enough, these are delicious in some beers.