Orange Cart Diagnostics!

This is a brand new 2023 reproduction cartridge of the ATARI SALT Diagnostics ver. R.2 for the XE series 8 bit home computers. This covers the XEGS game system, 800xe, 65xe AND 130xe HOME COMPUTER. 

The Diagnostics Program Pak has not been available for sale since the 1980's.    Tests Video, Sound, Rom, and RAM of memory as well as peripheral connections.

This is a bare pcb cartridge. Insert into 130xe/65xe system in REAR cartridge slot with components facing DOWN (BACK UP CARD FACING UP). Insert into XEGS with components on cart facing to the rear and away from you. You can run this without a case as its a simple inexpensive diagnostics cart.. This is standard practice on Commodore, Atari, and other systems. If you really want a cartridge case you can look for a cheap/broken game cart and install it into the case. 

If you want to 3D print a case you can use the info on this page:

I have been on eBay selling for 23+ years. Please contact me with any questions!