New ZWO ASIAIR Mini features eMMC Storage, Dual band antenna, Stacking on phone, Power monitoring, DSO imaging, Planetary imaging, independent guiding, Automated imaging

The new ZWO ASIAIR Mini is more portable than ever, with a size no larger than half a hand, ASIAIR Mini is the most vest pocket sized member of the ASI AIR Series. It’s also the most cost effective one, yet the performance is hardly weakened compared to its predecessors, allowing you to capture the night sky with ease and fun.


Attach the ZWO ASIAIR Mini to your imaging setup, then you’re free to control your DSLR or ASI cameras with your phone or tablet via a wireless connection. Stay in the comfort of your tent, home, car, and other places to avoid hot summer or cold winter nights. No more problems with mosquitos.


One station design

ZWO ASIAIR Mini streamlines the start-to-finish process for you, including focusing, polar alignment, changing filters, auto guiding, autorun, and more. Even novice Astro images can begin their Astrophotography journey with this device. The multi-target feature is great for widefield photography.

ASIAIR Plus and ASIAIR Mini Comparison
Live StackSupportSupport (except ASI6200)
Video ModeSupport (except DSLR)Support (except DSLR)
Multi Target ModeSupportSupport
New Plate Solving AlgorithmSupportSupport
Monitor UnitSupportSupport
FOV for Plate Solve0.2° – 33°0.2° – 33°
Wired LANSupport
DualBand Antenna 2.4G /5GSupportSupport
20m WiFi CoverageSupportSupport
Power ON/OFF SwitchSupport
Input current & Voltage MonitorSupportSupport
Output Voltage MonitorSupport
Power Consumption MonitorSupportSupport
High Temperature/ Low Voltage WarningSupportSupport
SD CardSupport
USB DrivesSupportSupport
ASI6200 SeriesSupportSupport
DSLR Shutter ReleaseSupportSupport
Power External DevicesSupportSupport
USB PortsUSB 3.0 x 2 / USB 2.0 x 2USB 2.0 x 4
Type C PortSupportSupport
Installation Methodvia Finder Shoevia Finder Shoe
In terms of live stacking, ASIAIR Mini does not support cameras with over 26MP pixels, including ASI cameras (ASI6200 and ASI461) and other DSLR. But it works fine with ASI6200 for image capture

The ZWO ASIAIR Mini is made with precision CNC machining from Aluminium which effectively prevents it from dust, dew. A truly durable device. The case has the constellations of Casseopia, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor laser etched on it.


ASIAIR is able to run on iOS ad Android devices. In order to get the best usage experience, we recommend you confirm whether your phones or tablets meet the requirements below or not first before you purchase the ASIAIR MINI

OS VersionPhoneiPad / Tablet
iOS/iPad OS12 and UpperiPhone 6s and later seriesiPad /iPad Mini/iPad Pro
Android8 and upperAll Android Phones    RAM >4GBTablets with Andriod OS  RAM>4GB