Introduce your floors with the ancient hand-knotted artform through our evergreen wool and jute rugs. The rugs are curated by skilled artisans with the use of natural fine wool/jute fabric. The patterns and colour scheme are elegant and harmonious at the same time. Enhance your floor with our handwoven wool and jute Rugs for either Indoor or Outdoor seating, and customize your living room, kitchen, and bedrooms with vibrant Indian culture. The contrasting Red and White diamond and wave patterns in our handwoven wool and jute rugs attract the eyes and, its soft homely texture provides great comfort and warmth. The rugs are Easy to Clean, and minimal shedding makes them durable and long-lasting. Our handwoven wool and jute rugs are an apt choice for high-traffic areas. All the materials used are of premium quality, which makes our brand reliable, sustainable, and trustworthy in the handcrafted rugs industry.

  • 180*120 cm (L*B) are the dimension of our uniquely handcrafted handwoven wool and jute rugs
  • Our diamond and wave patterned double-sided handmade handwoven wool and jute rugs will upgrade your living room, kitchen, and bedroom floors
  • Material: made from 100% Jute with premium quality yarn
  • Our rectangular rugs are: foldable, durable, lightweight, and even pet-friendly
  • Care instructions: simple machine wash, do not use bleach, brush, and avoid long-time soaking