**This type of LEGO items are hard to find but I decided to sell several to buy rarer items for my collection so it is a good opportunity to add them to your collection**

I am selling this AUTHENTIC Tesprint or Paint Tests of the Male Minifigure (CTY0140) With Female Minifigure (CTY0169) DOUBLE PRINT were carried out around the year 2009-10. You can be sure that it is an authentic test because I have been researching these pieces for a long time and I know their origin and it is not one of those pieces that are smuggled in some LEGO factories.

* I am a collector of LEGO rarities so if you have something to exchange, we can negotiate and I will be happy to add new items to my collection, you just have to go to IG if you need more information in any search engine with my eBay username Charly DarkSaint.

* If you buy several items I can offer you a better price.

Only the Tesprint is being sold, the second piece or minifigure is for reference.

* Shipping worldwide! The shipment will be made only to the address indicated by ebay.

* I combine shipping costs.

Check out my other RARE LEGO items for Sale.