- The Shutter Lover is specialized in the measurement of the travel time of focal plane shutter of film cameras. This characteristic is unique. However, it does not perform as well as the Baby Shutter Tester on leaf shutters, because it is subject to more design constraints.
- The Baby Shutter Tester can measure the speed (open time) of leaf and focal plane shutters, but cannot measure curtain transit time

- The Baby Shutter Tester can be calibrated by the user, so that the potential fixed lens (on which the leaf shutter is attached) is taken into account by the calibration procedure
- The typical optimal distance between the tester body and the sensor is 20 cm for the Baby Shutter Tester, and 6-8 cm for the Shutter Lover. The latest can be an issue for use on medium and large format camera / lens
- The Baby Shutter Tester can be powered by batteries and so is easier to use on flea market for instance, if the goal is to check and negociate.

So if you cannot choose between the two device, you can choose to get both, with a discount on the bundle.

When bying this article, you'll get both devices:

- The Shutter Lover an its accessories
  - Its 3 points sensor
  - USB to micro USB cable
  - a medium format adapter. Attention, the hability to perform measure on medium format depends on the flange distance of the camera mount
  - the user manual

- The Baby Shutter Tester and its accessories
  - a medium format adpater
  - the user manual