Adjustable 950 sterling silver necklace with Inca chakana represents our connection with heaven and earth. The four main arms of the Chakana represent the 4 directions on a compass, the 4 elements earth, water, air and fire but also the four seasons. You can also see that it has the Andean trilogy that is made up of three creatures that represent the puma, condor and snake.

The Condor: Considered a sacred bird for the Incas who believed that it communicated the upper world Hanan Pacha with the earthly world

The Puma: Symbol of strength, wisdom and intelligence. It represents the ‘Kay Pacha

The Serpent: It represented the infinite for the Incas. The snake symbolizes the world below or the world of the dead. This necklace is made by Peruvian artisans from the Andean community of Cusco.measures 1.8 inch