*I have added an update at the end of the description*

As You Tilt and Turn the Rock, the Face Appears to Laugh


[[please see the video included in the photos]]

Photos and video were taken in several different light sources, including fire light. 

This rock/stone is covered in intricate etchings which become 3D holographic images when viewed in a dim room with direct and indirect light sources. In regular overhead lighting or sunlight the rock has a yellow/orange appearance.  It has sharp edges as well as smooth edges and may have been used as a blade or a tool.  I don't know what kind of rock this is, but it has a chalky/sandy texture. 

As you turn this stone, and the light and shadows move across the surface, the artwork changes and appears to move. Even the facial expressions change and morph into other images -- as if it is animated.

It is a conbination of carvings, etchimgs and some sort of pigment.  It was found (by me) on my own private property in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia.


I recently received a message from a very  angry and hateful ebay arrowhead seller who assured me that I am a fraud and a theif and basically a sleeze for selling "fake" artifacts. I respectfully asked him how mine were fake but the ones he was selling were not.  He just screamed and called me more names.

So I thought I should quickly explain the origin of my items.

One day we were digging for worms for my son's turtle when I unearthed what looked like the top of a human skull. I immediately called the police. They came and wrapped our whole property in yellow police tape while the Virginia CSI came and dug up our yard. After finding numerous artifacts and a few other bones, they determined it was not a crime scene and turned it over to the local university Archeology Department. They spent a day digging up buckets and buckets of arrowheads, blades, rock tools, and broken pottery pieces.

Meanwhile the detectives had discovered that the elderly man who had lived in the house right before us had been hunting/collecting atifacts for 50 years and at some point in his older age, just dumped everything and buried it behind the barn. Much of what he had was found on our property and nearby (West Virginia).  He had taken a few trips to hunt in Tennessee back in the 1960s, which is where he found the skull and a few other small human bones.

Everything found on our property that day was taken by the police. Over the course of close to two years, they dealt with the Tennessee Native American reps and gave them the bones and whatever else they wanted.

Everything else was eventually returned to me and I was told I could do whatever I wanted with it -- and I was free to dig and keep whatever I unearthed on my own property.

I have paperwork from the police with a meticulous list of everything that was taken that day.  There is a file at the local police department with my handwritten statement, the police report, and a document with my signature and the detective's signature when everything was finally returned to me.

The day the skull was found (in 2016) and 7 police cars surrounded our property, there was coverage in our local news.