Rosewood Twisted Thick Healing Wand Stick Free 40 Page Booklet on Crystal Therapy. Long Wand Himalayan Crystal Ball Point Nepal Tibetan India Asian Aura Energy Balance Garnet Cabochon Love Rare Stick Chakra Balancing Energy Himalayan Rock Crystal Reiki Meditation Massage P@gan Wicc@ Spiritual Tantra Metaphysical Psychic Health Wealth Prosperity Peace Divine Gift Unisex

About The Product:
  • Free 40 Page Booklet on Crystal Therapy Approximately 8" long. Best for Healing Purposes. Also used for Reiki, Meditation, Positive Energy, Massage, Sound Sleep, Chakra Balancing, Any Disorder, Peace of Mind, Concentration, etc. This is a unique handcrafted product with Crystal Balls and Points to give great results for SpeIIs, Wiccan, Pagan, Rituals, Healing, etc.
  • Rosewood is obtained by being extracted through steam distillation from the Rosewood Tree. It's aroma is sweet yet woodsy and spicy, a beautiful balance of deep forest aroma and delicate enticing floral notes. Rosewood is used in aromatherapy for uplifting, strengthening, spiritual purposes and is also excellent for skincare and facial rejuvenation. Rosewood is an excellent essential oil to use when dealing with feelings of depression or unpleasant emotions.
  • The oil takes away depressed feelings and leaves behind feelings of happiness and strength. The oil also stimulates one's feelings and secretion of hormones. During crisis or high stress situations, the oil can have a very calming and steadying effect on the emotions and nerves, due to the presence of 8-cineole in the oil. 8-cineole is a terpenoid oxide, which has been studied and proven to calm emotions, while stimulating hormones in the body.
  • Made from Genuine Rosewood. Rosewood is the healer of the heart chakra dissolving all wounds to the heart. As the heart chakra is the entering point from which all other chakras vibrate. No other wood can attune the body when used with a fine crystal point or sphere as well as rosewood. This combination helps connect the user with unconditional love and openness of heart. When used by a skilled healer, it can work especially well on lower level chakras.
  • A Rosewood with clear quartz crystal wand is a very good stone for beginners to work with as it is an all-purpose healing stone, having the ability to heal any ailment on any area of the body or aura. This makes it a good stone to have for your first wand. Clear quartz is an excellent stone for gathering, storing, directing, and transmitting energy, but it can also transmute negative energy into positive healing energy. Its versatility and multiplicity of uses make it an essential

Product description

These wonderful handcrafted hardwood rosewood healing wands are the most beautiful wands it the world. There is a great deal of care and intent that goes into the creation of these handcrafted wands, and the end result is an elegant, finely crafted wand that is both art and tool wrapped up in one! Wands are wonderful tools for both healing, working with chakras and creating sacred space, and are excellent to help you focus intent. Some of the ways this wand can be used are to direct healing energy to various parts of your body - physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. It can also be used when you are trying to create sacred space by using it to 'draw' where the borders should be. If you are the type of person that tends to get drained by others, or always feels what those around you are feeling, try drawing a border around yourself before you leave the house each day to establish some boundaries. Even just holding one of the Rosewood Healing Wands can be very balancing, as the spiral worked into the wood can also balance the energy that moves up and down the spine (hara line or kundalini energy), and by extension, can also help balance the chakras. Keep your body, mind, and spirit in a state of total harmony and balance with this beautiful twisted Rosewood Healing wand, thought by many to possess the healing and mystical powers necessary for balance. The crystal quartz on either end may be used for soothing massages or relaxing acupressure. Garnet Cabochon is also used while making these Divine Wands. A garnet gemstone worn as jewellery or simply held in your hand (or pocket) helps to expand your awareness of the world around you and all the spiritual energies contained therein. They are the perfect stones to aid in helping you to manifest your desires and needs into reality. If you are working "the Secret (Law of Attraction)", keep a garnet with you any time you are attuning your mind to the things you are manifesting.