Good Evening, What I am listing tonight Is a unique set of two autographed photos relating to the B29 "Some Punkins" of the 393rd Bomb Squadron, 509th Composite Group. The B29 "Some Punkins" was one of 15, B29's especially built to carry and drop an Atomic Bomb.The photographs have been autographed,handsigned on the aircraft  photo by James Price, Airplane Commander, Tom Costa, Bombardier, Clyde Bysom, Tailgunner, Edward Josefiak, A& E Mechanic. The Wendover Crew Photograph has been autgraphed by 3 Crewmembers

 With the photos you will receive a copy (not the originals) of Airplane Commander Jim Price's Combat Records for July and August.

 These are chemically reproduced photograph, reproduced years ago from negatives, these are not scans, these are Silver Nitrate prints autographed hajndsigned on the photograph

 The Price Crew flew five (5) combat Missions over Japan, each time carrying a 10,000 'Fatman" bomb loaded with high explosive (torpex) On August 14th they possibly dropped the last bomb on Japan before Japan surrendered.

 I am an Honorary Member of the 509th, Reunion Chairman and I actually have attended all 509th Reunions since 1990, ( 18 of them ) I also edit the 509th Newsletter.

                                     Good Luck, happy bidding!!!