Ukraine 20 griven  Kyiv prince Vladymyr the Great Silver Coin 2015 year

On the obverse of the coin are placed: on the left - the small State Emblem of Ukraine, under which the inscription UKRAINE; on the right, the year of minting the coin 2015, denomination 20/UAH; in the center is a piece of silver - one of the first coins that were minted in the Kiev state, under it - a fragment of ancient Kyiv (local gilding was used), to the creation of which Vladimir Svyatoslavovich put a lot of effort; on the right and on the left a stylized composition - hills with the names of the tribes that inhabited this territory.
Reverse of the coin Kyiv prince Vladimir the Great
On the reverse of the coin, in the center is the Kyiv prince Vladimir the Great (local gilding is used), who holds a cross in one hand, a model of the temple in the other; around it there are four medallions with stylized images of the state acts of the prince: minting coins, annexing new territories and protecting the borders of the state, economic development and trade, baptism of the population and the establishment of Christianity as the state religion; to the left and to the right of the prince are stylized inscriptions: KIEV PRINCE, VLADIMIR THE GREAT.

Dedicated to the outstanding statesman and politician, the founder of the medieval European state of Rus'-Ukraine - Prince Vladimir the Great of Kyiv, and honors his memory in connection with the 1000th anniversary of his repose. The coin is made using the patination technology, the finishing element is local gilding (gold content in purity is not less than 0.002 g).