Astragalus propinquus / Astragalus membranaceus / Phaca membranacea
( 100 Seeds )

Botanical nomenclature: Astragalus propinquus / Astragalus membranaceus / Phaca membranacea
Common name: astragal, huang chi, chinese milk-vetch
Family: fabaceae
Origin: china, mongolia
Height: 60 - 90 cm
Brightness: full sun, partial shading
Climate: see description

Astragalus membranaceus is a perennial plant of the legume family, with a long history in traditional Chinese medicine.

The plant's constant flowering, is also known as milkvetch root and huang qi, its flavor is slightly sweet and warm when administered as a drink made from the root and can be added in soups, cooked or fried with other foods.

The species is demanding in sandy or clayey soil, well drained and planting in full sun or a few hours of direct sun during the day (morning or afternoon), the flowers are hermaphrodite and are pollinated by bees.