7 in 1 Bio Health Bracelet from the trusted sellers at Power Energy ®

“Dead Sea Mineral” “Germanium” “Hematite” “Far Infared” "Nano Graphene” “Negative Ion Stone” “Magnet Stone”

See description below for Benefits of each stone

Made from High quality “SOFT TOUCH” Silicone

One Size Fits all from 16.5 – 21.5CM

High quality Clasp

Lazer engraved Stainless Steel front face with the Power Energy ® Logo


Dead Sea Mineral Benefits.

Calcium--soothes and relieves skin cells, is necessary in strengthening cell membranes and cleansing pore

Magnesium--accelerates metabolism of cells by assisting the body to utilize other essential nutrients, works as an anti-allergic agent

Chloride--balances minerals in cells and in the body, necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, which is vital for cell metabolism

Bromide--heals and relieves disorders, and has relaxing effect as an anti-inflammatory agent, can be used as a natural antibiotic

Sodium Chloride--nourishes and hydrates skin cells and removes toxic waste, improving its permeability

Iodine--vital for cell metabolism and regulates the metabolic energy, necessary for the production of hormone thyroxin

Zinc-- natural regulation of cell growth and regeneration. Facilitates cell renewal and stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis (renews skin). A great antioxidant this mineral is a free radicals scavenger. It also improves sebo-regulation (anti-acne properties), anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural UV rays blocker



Germanium has a negative-charge ion which can therefore be considered to help in blood purification and balancing the positive and negative ions within the body. This also achieves muscle relieving effects as well as reducing fatigue and tiredness.

Living an urban lifestyle exposes our bodies to harmful positive ions. These are generated from mobile phones, computers, electronic and electrical equipment, chemicals, acid rain and ultraviolet rays.

To secrete such waste from the body, and in turn gain nutrients from the blood, our metabolism is an extremely important process. With more negative ions in the body, the body’s metabolic process is increased in efficiency.


Far Infrared.

Far-Infrared expands capillaries which stimulate increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygen delivery.

Good blood circulation is essential for healthy organ and tissue function.

 Strengthens cardiovascular system.

Far-Infrared can strengthen the cardiovascular system by causing heart rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood pressure decrease – research by NASA in the early 1980s led to the conclusion that far-infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.

FIR’s warming properties have also been shown to help improve the ‘health’ of the cells that line our blood vessels, which if left untreated may increase the risk of heart disorders.

Improves detoxification

Far-Infrared is excellent for detoxification and helps lymphatic drainage.

Far-Infrared thereby promotes the elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: poisons, heavy metals – carcinogenic substances from food processing – lactic acid, free fatty acids and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue – excess sodium associated with blood pressure – and uric acid.

Nano Graphene

Nano Graphene Technology has the potential to improve one’s well-being in various ways. It helps with cell activation, which can reduce inflammation and restore physical fitness. Nano Graphene also promotes blood circulation, relieves pain, improves hot and cold constitution, reduces inflammation, and assists with nutrient absorption.

 Magnetic Stone 

Designed to promote blood flow, health and wellbeing, the magnetic system uses trusted magnotherapy technology, which is understood to reduce inflammation, restore health, improve performance and assist with sleep patterns.



Hematite grounds and protects us.  It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure, which in turn gives us the strength to create healthy boundaries energetically and emotionally.  It endows us with courage, endurance and vitality.  A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought.

Hematite utilises the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system.  It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.


Negative Ion Stone

Negative Ions do lots of good things....They can help you sleep, help you relax and support Wellbeing. They increase circulation & energy power to your brain, improve flexibility and balance. All which help to create a sharper, stronger happier you!

They also increased stamina & recovery, so create ..

More Power, More Balance and More Energy!

Negative ions are all around us when we are outdoors. In fact, all plants give off negative ions. Science has proved that negative ions are beneficial to human body, and can improve human body health & wellbeing.